WordPress is an open source software that you can use to create any website, blog or applications.
More than 43% of websites on the Internet use WordPress, from hobby bloggers to the largest websites in the world.
The Divi theme takes WordPress to a whole new level with the help of incredibly advanced technology - Visual Builder.
On this page there is a modified localization of the Divi theme (version 4.25.2) into the Slovak language.
Language localization is contained in source files of the .po format, which are compiled after editing, e.g. using the Poedit application, to the .mo binary format.
Translated .mo files are then distributed with a specific application.
Language files are named according to a specific convention - the language code followed by the country code.
For example
Internationalization (norm i18n) and localization (norm l10n) describes the process of translating an application into any required language.
The individual language files for the Divi theme are located in the following paths:
Source .po language mutation files for Divi theme can be downloaded from this link.
The files contain over 20,000 lines, so translating and editing the texts into the Slovak language is not easy at all.
And in addition, the given files are not complete...
Unfortunately, the translation into the Slovak language will never be perfect, since the individual text strings in the .php source files are connected to each other by the English convention...
The effort was to at least partially correct/improve the given translations...
The fixes are contained in a compressed .zip file that is freely available for download.
All .mo files need to be overwritten in the defined paths.
Before actually overwriting the .mo files of the Divi theme, it is advisable to back up the original files...
This is not a child theme, so you need to repeat the process after updating the Divi theme.
It is ideal to include these translation files in your own Divi CHILD theme.
The basic Divi CHILD theme is also available for download, which already contains the subject localization in the Slovak language.
June 13, 2024
(Start: February 24, 2024)
WordPress theme localization
Win 11 / 10 / 8 / 7 / Vista / XP
MO file
divi, wordpress, internationalization, localization, slovak version, #divi, #wordpress, #i18n, #l10n, #slovak version
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